Published inHuawei Developers - TürkiyeMVVM + Clean Architecture Android projenizin modüllerini test etme Bölüm 2: Use Caselerini Test…Merhaba arkadaşlar, projemizin usecase’lerinin nasıl test edileceğine dair bir makale ile geri döndük.Jul 1, 2022Jul 1, 2022
Published inHuawei Developers - TürkiyeMVVM + Clean Architecture Android projenizin modüllerini test etme Bölüm 1: Uygulamanızı oluşturma…Merhaba Arkadaşlar. Bu yazı dizisinde, MVVM + Clean Architecture kullanarak bir Android projesi oluşturmayı hedefliyoruz.Jul 1, 2022Jul 1, 2022
Published inHuawei Developers - TürkiyeHarmony OS ve Android: Ortak yöntem alternatifleriMerhaba arkadaşlar, bu sefer Android OS ve Harmony OS arasındaki farklar arasında gezinmenin en iyi yolunun yanı sıra bazı çok yaygın…Jun 28, 2022Jun 28, 2022
Published inHuawei Developers👨🏼💻Testing the modules of your MVVM + Clean Architecture Android project Part 2: Testing the…Hi wonderful people, we are back at it AGAIN, this time with the second part of our article series. In this short article, I will be…Jun 10, 20221Jun 10, 20221
Published inHuawei Developers👨🏼💻Testing the modules of your MVVM + Clean Architecture Android project Part 1: Creating your…Hello guys, in this article series, we aim to create an Android project using MVVM and Clean Architecture.Jun 10, 2022Jun 10, 2022
Published inHuawei Developers👨🏼💻Harmony OS vs. Android: Common method alternativesHello my friends, at last we meet again and this time with a new article on the best way to navigate through the differences between…Mar 28, 2022Mar 28, 2022
Published inHuawei DevelopersHarmony OS: A quick troubleshooting article for some frequently asked questions.Hello again, first and foremost I hope this article finds you well and healthy. In this article I want to guide you through a short…Dec 28, 2021Dec 28, 2021
Published inHuawei DevelopersHarmony OS: How to release an app?Hello everyone, once again it is a pleasure to be writing for you all. In this article, I will be shortly explaining how to release a…Dec 22, 2021Dec 22, 2021
Published inHuawei DevelopersHarmony OS: Using geolocation results to send messages from watch to phoneHello everyone, its me again and this time with a brand new article on how to implement some of Harmony OS’ services such as getting and…Sep 16, 2021Sep 16, 2021
Published inHuawei DevelopersHarmony OS: Prepare your Lite Wearable project for integrationHello again friends, long time no text. I am back again, this time with Huawei’s newest project, a brand new operating system named Harmony…Aug 10, 20211Aug 10, 20211